


  SPRING 2025

Follow class links for complete description of class.

INTERESTED IN AUDITING A CLASS? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beginner Obedience

Beginner Obedience classes (Puppy Kindergarten and Pet Manners) are taught as one class.

  •  Puppy Kindergarten
  •  Pet Manner

This is a 6 Week class

  • For the first time dog owner
  • Dogs having no training
  • No age limit
  • Puppies first class
  • AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program
 Class Day  Time  Start Date  End Date  Skip  Price 

Beginner Obedience

Registration Form

Tuesday 7:00-8:10 PM 03/11/25 FULL 04/15/25 --- $240
Wednesday 7:00-8:10 PM 03/26/25 04/30/25 --- $240
Thursday 7:00-8:10 PM 04/10/25 05/15/25 ---- $240
Tuesday 7:00-8:10 PM 04/29/25 06/03/25 --- $240
Wednesday 7:00-8:10 PM 05/21/25 06/25/25 --- $240
Tuesday 7:00-8:10 PM TBA --- ---


 Wednesday 7:00-8:10PM  TBA --- --- $

Teen Puppy / Canine Good Citizen (CGC)

This is a 5 week Class. A CGC Test is included in the price of this class.

  • PREREQUISITE: Beginner Obedience class ( Puppy Kindergarten/ Pet Manners)
  • For puppies that have completed the Puppy Kindergarten Class. Ideal for puppies that have passed the S.T.A.R. Puppy test.
  • This class will continue building your relationship with your puppy and reinforcing behaviors learned in the Puppy Kindergarten Class.      
Class Day Time Start Date End Date Skip Price 

Teen Puppy/CGC

Thursday 7:00-8:00 PM 07/17/25 08/14/25 --- $240
Thursday 7:00-8:00 PM 09/11/25 10/09/25 --- $240

        CGC Test

     1 Test is included
     with the CGC class

   Day Time Date Price
Thursday 7:00-8:00 PM 08/21/25 $25
Thursday 7:00-8:00PM 10/16/25 $25


Competition Classes taught by an AKC Obedience Judge
These classes are taken as many times a needed.

  • Preparing you to show your dog in Obedience and Rally Obedience competitions. 
Class Day Time Info Skip Cost

Beginner Competition Obedience
Monday 7:00-8:15 PM
Drop-in Class.
Held every Monday Night.
"Advance at your own pace."

$10 to attend 1 of the class sessions or $15 for both Obedience and Rally.


Wednesday 1:00-2:00 PM
Drop-in Class. Same as  Monday Nights.


Rally Obedience

Monday 8:15-9:30 PM
Drop-in Class.
Held every Monday Night.
"Advance at your own pace."
$10 to attend 1 of the class sessions or $15 for both Obedience and Rally.
Wednesday 2:00-3:00 PM Drop-in Class. Same as Monday Nights.   $10

12:00-1:00 PM

Drop-in Class. Please call/text for additional information.
Conformation & Handling
(All Breeds)

No Longer being offered



  Call for drop-in information


For more information on classes or schedule, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blue Ribbon Dog Training Academy
3548 Jackson Pike
Williamsburg, OH 45176
(Please include payment and shot record)

Please make sure your dogs' vaccinations are up to date, including Bordatella. Record of titers is also acceptable.

Classes and Private Instruction

  • All prices are for training at the Blue Ribbon Dog Training Academy facility.
  • All classes are taught using the 10¢ Method to Training Your Dog™.
  • Classes generally consist of 6 to 10 dogs or puppies unless specify otherwise.
  • Any dog breed, or mixed breed, is welcome. (Some breeds may be easier to train than others).
  • Private Instruction is available to anyone wanting one-on-one help with your dog.
    Pet - $150 for a 1 hour session (and $25 for each additional 15 minutes).
    Competition  - $100 for a 1 hour session (and $25 for each additional 15 minutes)

Auditing Classes/ Apprenticing (No dog)

Do you want to watch a class to see if Blue Ribbon will be a good fit ? Watching 1 class is free.

Are you wanting to learn dog training and do not have a dog? Auditing a 6 week class is $75.

Would you like to apprentice with an experienced dog trainer?
             You MUST fill out an application.  The application fee is $50. 

In-Home Training

Perfect for people with a tight schedule or don't have a way to bring your dog to us. Behavior Problems that are occurring in your home can be worked on in your home. $200 per hour (minimum charge is $200 plus charge for mileage).

People with Special Needs

Blue Ribbon Dog Training Academy is sensitive to the needs of dog owners who lack the strength and co-ordination of an average adult. Young people, Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities are welcome in group lessons and private instruction.pupgift


Are you giving your kids a puppy as a present? Why not include an obedience class! We specialize in dog training for kids! We encourage family participation when training a puppy. Kids 8 and older can help train! Younger children may not have the attention, comprehension skills, or hand/eye coordination to do the actual training. It depends on the individual child and puppy.

Group/Class Rates

  • $ 240 FOR 6 WEEKS. Group classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Each session is approximately 70 minutes.

Grraduation - The last class generally consists of review of things taught and games testing these skills.

  • Dogs attending at least 4 of the 6 scheduled classes, receive a certificate at the last class.
  • Dogs attending all 6 classes of the 6 scheduled classes, are acknowledged as PERFECT ATTENDANCE.
  • Owners attending the last night of class, receive a $20 certificate towards a future class.

Items to bring to class

  • Treats for rewarding your dog. Please make sure they are small. Hotdogs cut into dime size pieces work well, as does thawed Biljac frozen dog food. If you choose to use dog biscuits, make sure they can be broken into small pieces. A favorite toy can substitute.
  • A 6' leash. Nylon or leather works well (do not use a chain leash or "flexie lead").
  • A collar. 
  • A bowl and water for your dog.

Items for sale

Training Collars
Training Treats
Treat Bags

Legal stuff

Not responsible for injuries to you or your dog. Not responsible for personal items left at BRDTA. Keep your dog under control at all times We accept cash, checks, and major creit cards. $25 charge for returned checks. $20 charge for "No Show" on Private Lessons.